Tuesday, August 31, 2010


It was touching my heart again (see More Heart Shocks), not in a bad way but different. Like an aneurysm I suppose or a bubble pushing out from a piece of gum. Actually it was kind-of fun. Sometimes a leg muscle quivers after exercise and I watch it flop in spastic movement. I imagined my shirt billowing up and collapsing down over the motion.

I said a quick prayer: Lord, use my heart as your own. Guide me. Move me. Send me.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Elementary My Dear Watson

If a man meets every requirement asked of him and yet he receives no support or encouragement for being honest with his beliefs while others strayed far from the truth to obtain their convictions, wouldn't it be logical to conclude his only recourse is to execute the unexpected? For when his truthful actions have no impact on understanding, doesn't it make sense to try something else if just for the sake of arguing the outcome: follow the right reasons…or do the right things. Why allow wrong things to prevail if hopelessness and despair are the ultimate consequence, i.e. does a win-lose situation ever make sense?

Who has the answers?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Unlawful burdens

Wouldn't it be nice to eliminate some instances of hearing, "You have failed to pass...". This is never going to happen for most situations. We need a means to prevent unqualified resources from mixing with others. However everyone should be qualified to give care.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Imagine the folly of a gardener who plants one seed for each crop. One tomato. One corn. One onion. One bean. And so on.

What? No cutworms expected this year? No hailstorms? No hungry birds? No droughts?

As to what motivated his actions he merely replied: I don't need more for myself and I don't want to produce extras, only to go to waste or to the unambitious.

What kind of farmer are you?

Friday, August 20, 2010


What kind of thinkers are you? Seat of the pants versus work it out in advance and optimize the options.

Look at this Global Plan - ITN. Now which brainiac was it who sold the public on "the cancer pill" and should they be employed by a pharmaceutical company? Imagine taking a pill that will wash and wax your car! Now imagine taking a pill that will prevent you from ever getting sick with a major illness!

Think about this: we will always get holes in our clothing. However a timely stitch or patch on the affected area may extend the usefulness of the fabric. How are we supposed to find out about repair techniques? Must we always wait until the damage is major and then secure the services of a professional (EG, a tailor).

As a caregiver I learned the answer to this question: Will things ever get better? Yes! Now if only we could find a way to make that bitter pill easier to swallow...


How does the slogan "Beer--it's not just a breakfast drink anymore." relate to doAble standards? Frame this in the context of an academic consideration and you've got a real quandary.

Well get this. Most things are possible. Not everything is probable. Anything that doesn't kill you will only make you stronger. Too much cheese makes you ugly. The guidelines we choose to regulate our lives become so ingrained that they appear set in stone.

Change and become more lifegiving: it's not pretty but it is essential!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Likes and Dislikes

So I'm like, looking, like, for ways I can do volunteer work in, like, established organizations. I found this really cooool website for a literacy tutoring gig but like I'm not sure if like, I'd like it or like, you know, if they'd like me.

The Bold and The Restless are like, worlds apart. Think about the challenges facing professional caregivers in the health care industry.

All that I meant to convey with the MLBerg Caregiver sites was like, insight about the journey from a "family" caregiver's perspective. You don't have to act like you misunderstand me. If I (or other caregivers) try to describe what there is to like about giving care it could be the only reason I haven't taken a job as a volunteer elsewhere. Like it or not.

It Won't Wait

When you caregive for someone you love, what are Acceptable Delays? Are these the same for persons giving care in the health care profession?
  • Seeking reconciliation, sinful and sorrowful...now is not the correct time to say we'll do something about this later.
  • Aware of mortality, vulnerability, and risks...is the focus on the right things?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Who is being served?

Who goes to a Caregiver Conference or attends a National Caregivers Conference? Let me tell you they typically are not structured to listen to guys like me, neither seeking input nor asking for feedback.

Truth in advertising. Is this conference a convenient way for health care professionals to obtain continuing education units?

There really isn't anything wrong with the approach of getting together to learn state of the art concepts. Why should there be a problem with us getting together to learn how to support each other?
Where do new words come from? How are new words made? Who is responsible for defining the meaning of words?

Some words are coined by combining two existing words. For example, a person who is called upon to give care, give care, give care... just might become known as a caregiver.

Merely having words to describe a situation does not solve the problem but it may improve communication and this leads to greater understanding. We may not be well-equipped today but through more appropriate Word Definition we can become better caregivers.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Perhaps one of the most confident and reliable methods to achieve positive feedback is to design the end product for meeting the constraints of a problem.

For example, don't be surprised if not everyone in the room likes the color of the wallpaper when nobody could agree on the hue of the original paint.

Take a hypothetical situation, extrapolating limits to develop needs and identify requirements. This frames problem solving as primary and does not add complications to the situation being addressed. In other words we should work on finding a solution and not on changing the room's appearance through accessorizing a predicament with crisis avoidance.

For example, consider a lake full of harvestable fish. Desirability? Are these most accessible via water craft? Will a boat launch or marina be required? Bait? Permits? Enforcement? If you start by working out such details to known troubles, quite possibly you receive will receive feedback something along the lines of "best catch ever."

How should a Men's Caregiver Support Group function? One difficulty in becoming a caregiver is learning to cope with restrictions.

Here is a social restriction: nothing we do should be so discouraging that human dignity is lost. If society condones a practice which damages the value of individual human beings and destroys the sense of self-worth then as a people we are lost.

It becomes obvious that folks in the biz would be committing professional suicide if they were to grab this bull by the horns and offer support without intro0ducing hidden agendas, which might add euphemisms for "dodged another bullet." Liabilities for defusing bombs can result in catastrophe. But so does refusing to take responsibility.

When kids commit suicide on the day before the start of their senior year of high school or when young adults escape the fallacy of career paths by failing to enter the stream of productivity or when mature folks become exasperated and quit trying to stay plugged into the open community because they rejected a direction which globalization has taken...it doesn't take an expert to recognize something is wrong with this picture.

Want to add value? Become a caregiver.


I achieved Statistical Process Control. We needed compassion.

You want a miracle. I asked for tolerance.

We expect perfection. I quit.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Last Laugh

There's no joke
like an old bloke
creating a vast impasse
He shuffles to damn-it
and muggles to ham-it
conditioning of his past

We all saw its coming
This penchant for bumming
was hardly sustained when "Sinned"
Yet ne-er were we daunted
Aware that they started
a fight to the bitter end

Friday, August 6, 2010

Give It A Rest

Academic advancements do not excuse behavioral deficiencies. It runs both ways. The details for pursuing and achieving dreams are slowly revealed over the course of a lifetime. Unless the good old boys suck it up we might never get out of this rut.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

So Now You Know

In July 2007 I set myself on a quest:

How To Become A Better Caregiver

I could only conceive of ways to help others with their own burdens:

Caregiver Defined

I tried to communicate the words that people on both sides could agree with. It is so very hard to convince people that if they can't find motivation to do someone else a favor, they should do themselves a favor in the names of the ones they love.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Strong Advice Influences An Unaffirmed Soul

A good night's sleep. Peaceful dreams.

Faith and confidence that the world turns out right.

Hope for tomorrow, strength for today.

We both influence and are influenced by the company we keep.

Leverage gained through ill-gotten means...

Surely we infect the attitude of recovery.

Unintelligible utterances. Duty: Do your best or go away.