Wednesday, June 15, 2011

None Can Explain

  • None are so lost as those who will not be found.
  • None are so alone as they who refuse to be seen.
  • None are so forgotten as the ones who won’t remember.
  • None can undo the past.
  • None give easily that which they have not received.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Head In The Sand

If you ever plugged your ears while screaming "I can't hear you" then you know one form of denial is to pretend something is wrong with the message, not with the media (method of delivery). The same could be said for closing your eyes and trying to stay in the dark while ignoring a visible danger. Newscasts and marketing have biases for moving specific agendas to the forefront.

It is discomforting that disregard of a non-imminent threat can be more efficient than working to solve the problem. Why are we so willing to trust someone who says "What you don't know won't hurt you."

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Hidden Pearls of Wisdom

  • We become what we practice.
  • The harvest is painless; the hard part was to plant seeds.
  • The trouble with the journey is to not pick up excess baggage.
  • Truth bears simple concepts. It is lies which add complexities.
  • To abandon what is not right is easy for some and most difficult for others.
  • You can't find them if you're not looking, if they're not there, and if you aren't opening the changes.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Marie Regan, Director of "Cowboy Song" advised

"Don't worry about it - we're doing fine and will get there. We feel your support - now just apply it to your own work and everything will radiate out . We did another email to caregivers today just because a lot of HTML emails bounced back. No worries at all."

You can help her reach their goal with your donation: